October 27th is officially Black Cat Day and Navy Day.
Actor Wes Studi received the Governor's Award Oscar for Lifetime Acting Achievement, making him the first Native American to do so.
The first successful operation of conjoined twins joined at the head was completed in New Delhi, India.
Taylor Swift released her fifth studio album, '1989.'
Riots broke out in Paris, France, after two Muslim teenagers were electrocuted trying to evade police.
Gliese 229B became the first brown dwarf to be seen and identified by astronomers.
Turkmenistan declared independence from the Soviet Union.
NASA's Saturn I rocket was tested for the first time in Mission Saturn-Apollo 1.
James Dean's most acclaimed movie, 'Rebel Without a Cause,' was released in the US.
ABC premiered Walt Disney's first TV show, 'Disneyland.'
Inventor Fred Waller patented the aquaplane, which would become water skis.
US President Woodrow Wilson announced the country would never fight another country for territory again.
Englishman William Penn founded Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Second Battle of Newbury was fought in the English Civil War.
Roman Emperor Constantine had his Vision of the Cross.