Facts and Events That Happened in This Year

Nov 21

Elon Musk revealed Tesla's first electric cyber truck with shatterproof windows.

Nov 20

Snake fossils found in Rio Negro Province, Argentina, showed snakes with hind legs that lived over 70 million years ago.

Nov 20

Oxford Dictionaries declared 'climate emergency' as the word of the year for 2019.

Nov 18

The Brazilian Space Agency announced that the country's Amazon rainforest had suffered its biggest spike in deforestation in over a decade.

Nov 17

A 55-year-old man became the first known person to contract COVID-19.

Nov 16

The city of Havana, Cuba, celebrated its 500th birthday.

Nov 12

The Disney+ streaming service was launched.

Nov 10

Iran claimed to have found over 50 billion barrels of oil in the country's Khuzestan province.

Nov 4

462 non-violent inmates were released from Oklahoma prisons in the largest commutation in American history.

Oct 29

Climate Control reported that rising sea levels would 'erase' many coastal cities by as early as 2050.

Oct 28

Forty-two people were buried alive in a landslide in Bafoussam, Cameroon.

Oct 27

Actor Wes Studi received the Governor's Award Oscar for Lifetime Acting Achievement, making him the first Native American to do so.

Oct 21

Major Australian newspapers blacked out their front pages in protest against press restrictions on printing whistleblower stories.

Oct 21

The oldest natural pearl discovered off the Abu Dhabi coast was estimated to be 8,000 years old.

Oct 18

The first all-female spacewalk took place.

Oct 17

Lana Del Rey's song 'Video Games' was named song of the decade at the Q Awards in London.

Oct 16

The Netflix movie 'Bird Box' and the TV series 'Stranger Things' was reported to be Netflix's most popular for 2019.

Oct 16

A camera in London Zoo became the first camera to take selfies powered by plants.

Oct 12

The state of California became the first to ban fur products.

Oct 10

Three thousand five hundred women in Iran were allowed to attend a soccer match for the first time in 40 years.

Oct 6

Protestors took to the streets in Hong Kong after the government announced a ban on face masks.

Oct 1

Bernie Sanders suffered a heart attack.

Sep 30

A super-massive iceberg broke away from Antarctica.

Sep 28

Elon Musk announced that he was building a spaceship called Starship that would travel to Mars and return to Earth.

Sep 26

The World Health Organization announced that they would give measles vaccinations to 800,000 children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Sep 22

Actor Billy Porter who played Pray Tell in the American drama 'Pose,' made history after becoming the first openly gay actor to win an Emmy Award.

Sep 21

Widespread forest fires in Indonesia caused the skies to turn red.

Sep 20

The climate change rally led by activist Greta Thunberg saw millions of protesters worldwide standing up for urgent action.

Sep 19

The American Bird Conservancy released a study indicating that the bird population in North America had reduced by around 3 billion.

Sep 17

During the Senate climate crisis task force, climate change activity Greta Thunberg said, 'You're not trying hard enough. Sorry.'

Sep 16

The New York Times published an investigation declaring Guantanamo Bay Prison as the most costly prison in the world.

Sep 16

Personal information of Ecuador's entire population (16.6 million) became available online on an unsecured cloud server in Miami.

Sep 15

The UK's prime minister Boris Johnson compared himself to The Hulk in his efforts to steer the country out of the European Union.

Sep 11

NASA revealed that water vapor was discovered in the atmosphere of an Earth-size planet, the exoplanet K2-18b.

Sep 10

Margaret Atwood published 'The Testaments,' a sequel to 'The Handmaid's Tale,' which she released 15 years prior.

Sep 6

The Indian Space Research Organization's Vikram Moon lander crash-landed on the moon.

Sep 5

74-year-old Erramatti Mangamma became the world's oldest mother after giving birth to twins in India.

Sep 4

YouTube was fined $170 million for collecting data on child users.

Aug 30

Amateur astronomer Gennady Borisov discovered a strange comet in another star system.

Aug 28

Nature magazine published findings of a 3.8-million-year-old skull found in Ethiopia, which questioned our previous theories of human evolution.

Aug 27

Jessi Combs broke the female fastest land speed record when her jet-powered vehicle reached a speed of 522.783 mph (841.338 kph).

Aug 26

Leonardo DiCaprio's environmental fund donated $5 million in the battle against Amazon rainforest fires that were devastating the area.

Aug 26

Indonesia announced they plan to move their capital city from Jakarta to Borneo.

Aug 24

American explorer Victor Vescovo became the first person to journey to the deepest points of every ocean.

Aug 22

Russia launched a robot called FEDOR to the International Space Station to work as a remote operator and carry out various tasks autonomously.

Aug 20

NASA announced they would send a ship to Jupiter's moon, Europa, to look for extraterrestrial life.

Aug 18

A funeral was held in Iceland for the loss of the Okjökull glacier.

Aug 18

President Donald Trump announced that he might want to buy Greenland and claim it for the US.

Aug 16

More than 1,200 tin homes were destroyed after a fire broke out in the Chalantika slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Aug 14

A rainfall survey named 'It is raining plastic' announced that tiny plastic particles were found in 90% of rain samples in Colorado, US.